Submit ROM Code

If the software routine on your Zilog chip is intended to execute customized programs from the chip's ROM memory, the routine can be programmed

into on-chip ROM during manufacturing. If your software is ready for this programming step, this page will help you submit your routine for masking

into this on-chip program ROM. So that your code can be directed properly, please ensure careful selection in the interface below.

Please select product family:  *
Part Number:
Pin/Package Option:
Customer Part Number (optional):
Automotive Option (yes/no): Yes No
Anticipated Volume (<10k, 10k-100k, 100k-1M, >1M): <10K 10K - 100K 100K - 1M >1M  *
Special Instructions (optional):
Topmark (custom/default): Custom Default  *
Checksum Fill (1/0): 1 0  *
Contact Details:  *
Customer Name:  *
Hex File : *
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  * = Required entry field.
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