- 28-Pin DIP, 28-Pin SOIC and PLCC Packages (C34, C35, C36)
- 40-Pin DIP, 44-Pin PLCC and QFP Packages (C44, C45, C46)
- 3.0- to 5.5-Voltage Range
- Clock Free Watch-Dog Timer (WDT) Reset
- Expanded Register File (ERF)
- Full-Duplex UART (ASCI)
- Dedicated 16-Bit Baud Rate Generator
- 24 Input/Output Lines (C34/C35/C36)
- Two Analog Comparators
- Two Programmable 8-Bit Counter/Timers, Each with Two 6-Bit Programmable Prescaler
- RAM and ROM Protect
- Optional 32-kHz Oscillator