Development Tool Kit: ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit (ZMOTIONS200ZCOG)

Zilog's ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit provides a general-purpose platform for developing your application with the ZMOTION Intrusion Detection MCU, which features Zilog's passive infrared (PIR) technology and integrated motion detection algorithms, plus provides a dramatic improvement in both sensitivity and stability over traditional security-related motion detection designs with integrated functions such as white light detection and pet immunity.

With the ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit, you can experiment with a variety of lenses and pyroelectric sensors to demonstrate the flexibility of the integrated motion detection algorithms and achieve the best possible performance for a range of intrusion detection and security-related motion sensing applications.

The ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit features the following elements:


  • ZMOTION Development Board
  • USB Smart Cable Debugger
  • 1.2" Focal Flat Lens Holder
  • Selection of three lenses
  • Mini-USB serial cable
  • Wall-mount power supply
  • ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Technical Documentation CD-ROM


  • ZDS II - Z8 Encore! IDE with ANSI C-Compiler
  • Sample Code
  • Acrobat Reader install program
  • Document browser

The ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit is RoHS-compliant.

The ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Kit

Associated Documentation
Doc ID Title Doc Type
PB0230 ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Product Brief Product Brief
PS0288 ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Product Specification Product Specification (Data Sheet)
QS0078 ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit Quick Start Guide Quick Start Guide
UM0233 ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit User Manual User Manual
WP0018 ZMOTION Detection Lens and Pyro Sensor Configuration Guide (White Paper) White Paper
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