Zilog's ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit provides a general-purpose platform for developing your application with the ZMOTION Intrusion Detection MCU, which features Zilog's passive infrared (PIR) technology and integrated motion detection algorithms, plus provides a dramatic improvement in both sensitivity and stability over traditional security-related motion detection designs with integrated functions such as white light detection and pet immunity.
With the ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit, you can experiment with a variety of lenses and pyroelectric sensors to demonstrate the flexibility of the integrated motion detection algorithms and achieve the best possible performance for a range of intrusion detection and security-related motion sensing applications.
The ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit features the following elements:
ZMOTION Development Board
USB Smart Cable Debugger
1.2" Focal Flat Lens Holder
Selection of three lenses
Mini-USB serial cable
Wall-mount power supply
ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Technical Documentation CD-ROM
ZDS II - Z8 Encore! IDE with ANSI C-Compiler
Sample Code
Acrobat Reader install program
Document browser
The ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit is RoHS-compliant.